strawberry swing

Saturday, February 19, 2011, 12:32 AM

Hi loooove ! Sorry for not updating this dusty blog of mine. Well yeah, Valetine's day was okay lah. Received a watch (from I dont know who) , Chocolates (from Grace and Shinru), Stickies (from Angeline) and a letter (from Amy) . I swear I love all of them lah! Big big hug for all of you ! ^^

So yeah, Last Thursday was our 3 monthsary. I sweaaaarrrrrr I was fucking pissed off with someone. Why must Someone ruined My oh-so-memorable(?) day ? Ohmygod lah. Luckily, After school , my class went to Mac lab. I swear I had a lot of fun. I uploaded 2 out of 15 pictures . The rest at my fb. Check it out ! Back to 3rd monthsary. I didn't even talk to him. Senyum pun tak . But still, I felt guilty not smiling and talking to him. Bottom line: Don't ignore your special ones. You'll get insecure. Serious. No kidding.

Let's end this post with a short note for him.

Hi love. I know I've been ignoring you these few days and Im sorry. What happened these few days are just misunderstandings. I know nothing about it. Serious. I was cooking maggi when someone called and told me about "it". You know I know. But yeah, If i were you, I would do the same thing too. I was too sentitive about it. I'm sorry. I know Im ego and stuff. Even my friends said that too. I hope you forgive me. I love you. k bai. Oh and, happy belated 3rd Monthsary.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011, 11:22 AM

Time check : 0323 in zaaaaaa morninggggggg.... Wakey Wakey Rise and shine. Im hungry. OHMYGOD. I wanna eat chocolate laaaaaaaah and potato chips and Oreo and Prata. Awesome shitto ! XD Anyway, Happy Chinese New Year ! I'll be expecting red packets and oranges from 2e4 uh. Haaaaaaaaah. Eh, Valentine's day is just around the corner. 2 more weeks? I think it would be perfect if I get a rose and Chocolate. Satu tangkai pun jadi uh. ^^ HAHAHHAHAHA ! Puuuuuuiiiii.. Kay, Im crazy early in the morning. goodnight, eh sorry , goodmorning ! (:

Friday, January 7, 2011, 9:24 PM
▲ Schooooooool ~ !

So sweeeeeeet sia this video. I swear. ^^ Especially the last part. Oh yeah, Watch it in HD. (:

Friday, December 31, 2010, 2:33 AM

Hi , I want this. Eh , Not want but Need. Yes, I need this. Pretty please ? It's a beanie of course ! Siapa-siapa Belikan I ni , I bagi you hug and a dollar can ? LOL, Tak tawu malu. So, Im going to buy one of these. Where to buy uh ? Ish, Plus I no money . Pokai liao. hehe.


, 2:19 AM

Annyeonghaseyo , Or Hello ! What's up with me nowadays ? I mean, I've been watching Korean dramas , K-Pop and Speak Korean . Anyway, I just watched a korean drama . Winter Sonata. I found the dvd in my cupboard. It must have been mum Who placed the dvd there. Kay, Let me summarise the whole story.

The story begins when Joon-sang, the son of an eminent musician, moves to Chuncheon, a rural city in South Korea. As an extraordinarily talented student, Joon-sang is welcomed by his fellow students as well as teachers, but remains a quiet, introverted young man. As a result of his belief that his father is dead, as well as conflict with his mother, Joon-sang believes that no one truly loves him.

One day on the ride to school, Joon-sang's classmate Yu-jin interrupts him on the bus. Joon-sang soon falls in love with Yu-jin, who opens herself to him with an innocent heart. Their love, however, is cut short after Joon-sang is involved in a serious auto-accident and, due to brain damage, is unable to recall his past life.

Joon-sang's mother, desiring Joon-sang's love and respect, has Joon-sang brainwashed by a psychologist, so that Joon-sang will not remember his painful childhood, as an illegitimate child. As a result, Joon-sang's memories prior to the accident are erased. Joon-sang's mother decides to move to the United States with Joon-sang, where he can start a new life under the identity of Lee Min-hyung. His friends and teachers are told that Joon-sang is dead.

Ten years later, Min-hyung is an award-winning architect in the United States. He does not remember anything about his life in Korea. He is completely different, an open-minded person who cares about other people, including his mother. He returns to Korea and Yu-jin sees him on the street, prompting her to put off her engagement to childhood friend Sang-hyuk. Little does she know that Min-hyung is dating her friend and sometime rival Che-lin. The story's plot intensifies when Yu-jin begins work at the firm where Min-hyung is employed, and tries to find out if he is her lost lover Joon-sang.

LOL, Hunneyh. I copy Paste okay. HAHAH , That is soooo me. Pemalas nak mampos. Hehe. Anyway I love the part when Joon-sang and Yu-jin were late for school. They Climbed over the fence together. And Joon-sang carried her and ARRRRGHHH.... Sweet okay ? Ish . Haha ! anyway, You guys should watch this drama ! hehe. Peace ~! ^^

Thursday, December 30, 2010, 12:58 AM

Hello Baaaaaaby ~ So yeah. My fb account kena hacked by some dumbass. Eeeeek, I wanna pinch pinch your hands lah . Seriously... When I tried to login , the fb security said " YOUR ACCOUNT HAS SUSPENDED" Waaaah, Boiling man that time. Then must report and all that but so leceh . So I've created a new account .... EFFA DAWHTY . Add me kay ? (: So anyway , I just otp with Mira floresa. We talked bout erhm....School uniform . Cmon lah seyh.... Our school uniform is so panjang like that . My blouse is like sooooo panjang but Same size. How the hell am I going to wear that labuh blouse with a pendek skirt? I look like a clown man . Urgh . But nehmind , Mira's blouse is panjang too so kita akan diketawakan sama-sama. Tak baik seyh i ~ Anyway , Im excited for schoooooool . Y'know can meet friends , Baby , Teachers. BUT, I hate the new timetable. Technically , The whole school ends at 1540 . Whatafark ?! Eh siul uh , boleh mati tawu tak ? Nasib ade 2 recess . I can't live without food. Speaking of food, I want my future husband to be a cook. Haha, I posted this on Twitter . Bhy was like , " thn im out of the option...haha :P " What the hell bhy ? Haha, You can be my doctor lah kan . Or my personal badut . Hehe. Sayaaaaaang u ~ >

Monday, December 27, 2010, 12:06 AM

I look stupid in that green outfit.
Hello world ~ ^^ So, Yesterday went to jemputan. My cousin kahwin. Biler dah sampai , Straight away gi void deck to meet my awesome Cousins. Then I duduk ngan kak sakinah, Fella and Abg Hyzal. Here's our convo.
Kak Sakinah : Ni lawa ni confirm ader mataer ni tau . hehe
Me: Ish , takderlah . *blush*
Fella : A'ah kak sakinah , Kak Renee ade mataer.
Me : *Looked at her then blush*
Fella : Ade gambar boyfriend dier kat dalam hp dier .
Me: Oh shit. haha.
Kak Sakinah : Maner die Renee ? Kakak nak tengok .
Me : *Showed Bhy's picture*
Kak Sakinah : Eh Handsome nyer.... Specs samer, Muke pun sebijik .. Macam dah jodoh like that.
Me : HAHAHAH, merepek jer kak ni. Ni kawan jer uh .
Abg Hyzal : Ni jer gambar laki yang renee ade ?
Me: a'ah. Ni jer yang Renee ader.
Abg Hyzal : Tu makne nyer Boyfriend . HAHAH. Kan Kan ?
Me: Haha, *smiles*
Kak Sakinah : alamak, senyum uh... Boyfriend uh tu.
Me: Hehe.
I swear dorang merepek but in a funny way. After bobal-ing , Makan Nasi Beriyani jap. After eating, had meeting with cousins. Chey meeting seyh. Haha. Anyway, Played Ice and water with Them. I swear I had fun. Ayum Saved me alot of times. Thanks Eh Ayum! Then went home. Ish, Cepat dok! I love my cousins alot ! ^^